All about the first inhabitant of the Arosa Bear Sanctuary
This is our Napa († 4.11.2020)
After months of waiting, we were finally able to welcome our first bear rescued by FOUR PAWS at the Arosa Bear Sanctuary on 4 July 2018. Since then he has recovered well from the long transfer and has settled in to his new home. Get to know Napa better now!
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Facts about Napa
- male brown bear with a low proportion of polar bears
- born 2006 in Serbia
- former circus bear
- weighs approx. 350 kilograms (depending on the season)
- Active, friendly, curious
- Eats 15 kg of fruit and vegetables daily (in summer)
- Eats 3 kg of meat daily from a butcher's shop (game) and a farm (pork and beef) from Arosa (in summer)
- Fell seriously ill in june 2020
- † 4.11.2020
Napa in his new home
On 26 July 2018, Napa was released into the large outdoor enclosure after a familiarisation period of three weeks. Napa can now use both the indoor and outdoor enclosures:
The indoor enclosure, consisting of two atria and two additional enclosures, has a capacity of over 300 m2. The outdoor enclosures also measure approximately 1.6 ha (south) and 1.2 ha (north). Napa will encounter a natural landscape with trees, bushes and rocky sections in the outdoor enclosure, which measures just under 3 ha. He can also enjoy a swim in one of the three ponds at any time.
Napa will experience snow for the first time in early October 2018. With great enthusiasm for the white splendour he played extensively in the snow.
Napa and the hibernation
The first hibernation of Napa went smoothly. Since the end of November 2018 Napa has been in hibernation. For the most part he stayed in his box and rested, rarely did he get up briefly in between. Even in winter 2019, a webcam will provide pictures of his hibernation every few hours.
Napa and his bear mates
Amelia and Meimo have also been living in the Arosa Bear Sanctuary since February 2019. Since July 2019, all three bears have been socialised and are now in the same enclosure.
Napa and the epilepsy
Napa was diagnosed with epilepsy in June 2020. After Napa's state of health deteriorated further, the medication no longer had the expected effect and Napa's quality of life was no longer satisfactory, Napa was relieved of his severe suffering on November 4, 2020.